Wednesday 18 September 2024

2024 Day 262

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Dew

De Merher, etegves mis Gwedngala

Wednesday, 18th September

Ew da genowgh gwerthow? Whei alja perna neppeth a bris iselha. Dhort termyn dhe dermyn ema re a neppeth coth dhe werthjy brâs ha ma othom dhodho a wakhe an stylednow rag neppeth nowydh. Ev alja bos diwedh an sêson. Henn ew kenwerth. Terweythyow whei ell perna taclow a'n par na en marhas a-bervedh po mes a-jei. Nebes gwerthow ew dhe gawas mòna rag câws specyal - scol, cherita po clojy. Artickels ew profyes. Whei alja cavas gwerth carrjy, basar, gwerth ferrik ha moy. Eus mona dhe whei rag spendya?

Do you like sales? You could buy something more cheaply. Sometimes a big store has too much of something old and it needs to empty the shelves for something new. It could be the end of the season. That is commerce. Sometimes you can buy that sort of thing in an indoor or outdoor market. Some sales are to get money for a special cause - a school, charity or hospital. Items are donated. You could find a garage sale, a jumble sale, a rummage sale and more. Do you have money for spending?

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

abervedh indoors (can also use a-jei)

a bris isel cheap, cheaply, of low price

basar (m) jumble sale

carrjy (m) garage (SWFM karrji)

ferrik to rummage (from dialect)

gwakhe to empty < gwag empty

gwerthow sales < gwerth (m) sale > gwertha to sell > gwerthjy (m) shop

iselha lower, inferior (SWFM isella)

kenwerth (m) commerce, trade

mes a-jei outdoors

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