Tuesday 14 May 2024

2024 Day 135

2024 Dedh Cans Pemdhek warn Ügens

De Meurth, pajardegves mis Me

Tuesday, 15th May 

Ma nebes maners coth en Kernow gen henwyn devedhys dhort gwedh. Lies gweyth, esely an teylû a gemeras aga hanow dhort aga maner ha kenketh. Etho, thew nebes henwyn teylû pednsevik maga coth avel henwyn telher. An teylû Boscawen ew pur goth (ha kevòthek) ha whath kevys ogas dhe Bosscawen. Perhednyon tir en jei. Saw piw ew perhen a Enys Scaw?

There are several old manors in Cornwall with names derived from trees. Frequently, family members took their name from their manor and estate. So, some aristocratic family names are as old as place names. The Boscawen family is very old  (and wealthy) and still found near to Boscawen (Elder-tree Dwelling). They are land owners. But who is the owner of  Tresco (Elder-trees Island)?

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

devedhys dhort derived from

esely ~ esyly members < esel (m)

kenketh (f) estate, country seat

kevòthek wealthy, rich and powerful

kevys found

lies gweyth frequently, often

maners manors < maner (m)

pednsevik ~ pednsyvik aristocratic

perhednyon owners < perhen (m)

teylû (m) family

Here are all the elder tree place names:

scaw > scawen elder (tree) 

BOSCAWEN > Hanow teylû Boscawen 

> Bosscawen elder-tree dwelling” 


> Ros Bosscawenrough land of Boscawen” 


> An Woon Bosscawen “the downs of Boscawen” 

ENNISCAVEN (Enyscawen 1472)  

> Enysscawen “isolated area with an elder tree 


> Nans Scawenelder tree valley” 

PENSCAWN (Penscawen 1306)  

> Penscawen “hilltop with an elder tree 


TRESCOWE  (Trescau 1283)  

> Trescaw elder-trees farm” 

TRESCO (Scilly) (Iniscaw 1540)  

> Enys Scaw "elder trees island"

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