Saturday 11 May 2024

2024 Day 132

2024 Dedh Cans Dewdhek warn Ügens

De Sadorn, üdnegves mis Me

Saturday, 11th May

Hedhyw, e'n mettin, e veu "Forum" a Gernôwegoryon ha Kernôwegoresow en Lys Kernow, Truru, hag e veu lies person war linen ewedh. An mater rag dalva a veu an "Chartour Europek rag Yethow Ranndiryel ha Minoryta". Nei a venja drehedhes Radn Trei. Rag hedna nei a res disqwedhes crevder a'n tavas en nebes parthow, rag sampel adhescans, gwrians ha comodites gònisegethek. Ma nebes "Ragdresow Ertach Gonisogethel Antavadow" saw ma fowt dhen a artickel Kernowek pub dedh po pub seythen en paper nowodhow po jornal argraffys ha Televisyon Tavas Kernôwek. Ha lebmyn res ew dhen gòrtos an DLUHC dhe wil neppeth.  

Today, in the morning, there was a "Forum" of Cornish speakers in County Hall, Truro, and there were many people on line too. The subject for discussion was the "European Charter for  Regional and Minority Languages." We would like to attain Part III. For that we must demonstrate the strength of the language in several areas, for example education, media, cultural activities and facilities. There are several "Intangible Cultural Heritage Projects", but we are lacking a daily or weekly Cornish language article in a printed newspaper or journal and Cornish Language Television. And now we must wait for the DLUHC (Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities) to do something.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

antavadow intangible

argraffys printed

crevder ~ crefder (m) strength

dalva (f) (heated) discussion

disqwedhes to demonstrate, show

drehedhes to attain, get to, reach

gònisegethek cultural

gwrians ~ gwrithyans activities, 

mater (m) subject, matter, topic

parthow areas, zones < parth ~ parh (f)

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