Friday 10 May 2024

2024 Day 131

2024 Dedh Cans Üdnek warn Ügens

De Gwener, degves mis Me

Friday, 10th May

Na wrüga vy mos bys en Lanwedhenek rag Cala Me, etho na wrüga vy gweles an dhew hebyhors e'n strêt. Ma dew Hebyhors (an Coth ha'n Snod Glas) ha 'ga bagasow: üdn para rüdh hag üdn para glas. Ma hyger (po higores) dhe'n dhew Hebyhors (gen arwòdh rüdh po glas war bolyn). Ma lies mûsicianer (ha lies mûsicianores) gwiskys en gwydn (gen rüdh po glas) ow seny carjelyow, ha lies tabourer. Ma mûsek rag donsya.

I didn't go to Padstow for May Day, so I didn't see the two Obby'osses in the street. There are two Obby'osses (the Old and the Blue Ribbon) and their groups - one red team and one blue team. Both Obby'osses have a teaser (with a red or blue sign on a stick). There are many musicians dressed in white (with red or blue) playing accordions, and many drummers. There is music for dancing.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

arwòdh (m) sign

bagasow (pl.) groups > bagas (m)

carjelyow ~ corjelyow accordions

hebyhors (m) hobbyhorse

hyger (m) teaser > higores (f)

Lanwedhenek PN Padstow (St Guethenoc's Church Site)

para (m) team

polyn (f) staff, stick (p>b after war)

snod (m) ribbon (can also use funen (f))

tabourer (m) drummer

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