2024 Dedh Trei Hans Trei warn Ügens
De Lün, etegves mis Dû
Fatel ellama descrifa an gewer hedhyw? Nag eus bes üdn ger - loos! An ebòrn ew comolek ha'n ayr ew leun a law pecar'a ligyn. Na via whans dhe nagonan gweles foto tirwedh lebmyn. Gleb ew an dor. Nei a dhebras kidnyow da en Blackwater gen ow diw hôr wheg, saw nag era vy nevra kemeres fotos a'm boos ha nag eus gwel dramatyk veth dhe Blackwater. De Gwener a veu deffrans ort hedhyw. Howldrevel a bayntyas an commol rosliw. De Yow thera glebor war an gwels; na dagrow glaw na ligyn bes glouthednow, pecar'a adamantys bian.
How can I describe the weather today? There is only one word - grey! The sky is cloudy and the air if full of rain, like mist. The ground is wet. Nobody would want to see a landscape photo now. We ate a good dinner in Blackwater with my two sisters-in-law, but I never take photos of my food and Blackwater has no dramatic scenery. Friday was different from today. Sunrise painted the clouds pink. On Thursday there was moisture on the grass; not rain drops or mist but dewdrops, like little diamonds.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
comolek cloudy, overcast < commol (coll.) clouds
deffrans ort different from
descrifa to describe
glaw (m) rain (a law of rain) > dagrow glaw raindrops
gleb wet, damp, moist > glebor (m) moisture
glouthednow dew drops < glouthen (f) < glouth
gwelow scenes, scenery, views < gwel (mf)
hôr wheg (f) sister-in-law > pl. horydh wheg
ligyn (m) mist
rosliw pink, rose-coloured
tirwedh (f) landscape