Saturday 14 September 2024

2024 Day 258

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Etek ha Dogens

De Sadorn, pajardegves mis Gwedngala

Saturday, 14th September

Hedhyw, e'n mettin, my a gemeras dew gyttrin dhe'm bagas scriforyon en Falmeth - dew our a gerdhes ha cortos ha sedha heb tra veth oll dhe wil saw mires adro. Ma lies savla buss tredh ow chei ha'n chei ow howethes. Piwa an gwelha savla buss? En Peran Treth my ell gweles ker ha'n eglos (Peran), saw nag eus telher veth dhe sedha dor. Res ew dhebm sevel emann war an gwels. En Ewny Redrudh my ell gweles an Keschânj Balweyth coth, ha ma nebes benkys predn ha scavelow growan. Martesen an tecka savla buss ew reb tavern "Lowarn ha Gwyltres".

Today, in the morning, I took two buses to my writers' group in Falmouth - two hours of walking and waiting and sitting without anything (with nothing) at all to do except to look around. There are many bus stops between my house and my friend's house. Which is the best bus stop? In Perranzabuloe I can see a hillfort and the church (St Piran), but there is nowhere to sit down. I must stand on the grass. In Redruth I can see the old Mining Exchange, and there are some wooden benches and granite seats. Perhaps the most beautiful bus stop is by the "Fox and Hounds" inn.

Geryow rag hedhyw Words for today

Ewny Redrudh (Unyredreth OC 1563) "St Euny at a red ford" = Redruth

growan (m) granite

gwyltres hunting dogs < gwylter (m)

heb tra veth oll without anything at all, with nothing at all

ker (m) hillfort (Caer in place names)

kyttrin ~ kytterin (m) bus (can also use buss)

mires a-dro to look around

Peran Treth (ca1608) "St Piran's sand" = Perranzabuloe

savla buss (m) bus stop 

scavelow seats, stools < scavel (f)

sedha dor to sit down, be seated

sevel emann to stand up

telher veth nowhere

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