Wednesday 4 September 2024

2024 Day 248

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens hag Eth

De Merher, pajwora mis Gwedngala

Wednesday, 4th September

Dhe werha ew agan chei. Ma othom dhen a chei behatna gen lowarth behatna. A venja nebonan perna agan chei coth? An vaynores estât a dheuth hedhyw e'n mettin dhe dhisqwedhes an chei dhe brener possybyl. Nei geth mes rag kerdh gans an kei, ha cuntel mor. Teg o an gewer, keth o hei pur wenjek. Nei alja gweles an tewes whethys adro a-ûgh dhe'n tewenyow. Barren ew whethys dhe'n dor. Gwydnves o nei; an gewer avorow a vedh gweth. Martesen branchys brâssa a vedh whethys dhe'n dor. Ma gwarnyans hager awel.


Our house is for sale. We need a smaller house with a smaller garden. Would someone like to buy our old house? The estate agent came today in the morning to show the house to a potential buyer. We went out for a walk with the dog and picked blackberries. The weather was lovely, though it was very windy. We could see the sand blown about up above the dunes. A small branch is blown down. We were fortunate; the weather tomorrow will be worse. Perhaps bigger branches will be blown down. There is a bad weather warning! 

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

barren (f) small branch

behatna smaller (SWFM byghanna)

dhe wertha ~ dhe werha for sale 

disqwedhes to show, demonstrate

gwenjek ~ gwynjek windy (SWFM gwynsek)

gweth worse

gwydnves fortunate, lucky, blessed (SWFM gwynnvys)

maynores estât (f) estate agent

perna to buy, purchase (SWFM prena) perner ~ prener (m) buyer, purchaser

tewes (coll.) sand > tewyn dune > tewenyow

whethys blown

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