Sunday 4 August 2024

2024 Day 217

2024 Dedh Dew Cans ha Seytek

De Sül, pajwora mis Est

Sunday, 4th August

En kesstrif sport ma puppres tüs ew whansek a lebmel an ûhelha. Pe le ellen nei aga gweles? Ha fatel üjy anjei ow lebmel? En athletek an gwel nei a wel benyn po den ow pònya en üskis ha nena treylya an gwayans rag na dhe gwayans emann. Oll an corf a res tremena cledhren settys ort ûhelder certan heb hy bonkya dor. Lebmel gen gwelen ew pecar, bes moy ûhel ew an gledhren ha ma'n ethlet (po athletes) ow plegya gwelen ha neyja a-warra dres an ayr termyn an welen digabma. Twang! Na res an welen tochya an gledhren naneyl. Ma othom a neppeth medhal rag an tiredh! Ma lebmel en gymnastek ewedh  a-dreus dhe "vargh" lebmel. Nag ew margh gwir. Treylys ew dres lies bledhen. Ha'n labmow ew moy calish. Rag margh gwir ow lebmel whei a dal mos dhe'n plen gwary marhak. Na res margh knockya cledhren dor - e vedh kessydhyans dhodho. Labmow an ûhelha alja bos war an trampolin - bes an lappyers ma res tira war an grows.

In a sporting competition there are always people who are wanting to jump the highest. Where can we see them? And how are they jumping? In field athletics we see a woman or a man running fast and then translating that forward motion to upwards motion. All the body must pass over a bar set at a certain height without knocking it down. Pole vault is similar, but the bar is much higher and the athlete bends a pole and soars up through the air when the pole straightens again. Twang! The pole must not touch the bar either. Something soft is needed for the landing! There's vaulting in gymnastics too - over a vaulting "horse". It's not a real horse. It has altered throughout many years. And the jumps are more difficult. For a real horse jumping you should go to the equestrian arena. A horse must not knock a bar down  - it will have a time penalty. The highest jumps could be on the trampoline - but these gymnasts must land on the cross.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

athletek (f) athletics

digabma to unbend, straighten up

gwelen (f) pole

gymnastek (f) gymnastics

kessydhyans (m) penalty

labmow jumps, vaults, etc. < labm (m)

lappyer (m) gymnast, acrobat, tin dresser

lebmel to jump, vault, spring

plegya to bend 

tiredh (f) landing, landing place < vb. tira

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