Saturday 29 June 2024

2024 Day 181

2024 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Wonan

De Sadorn, nawes warn ügens mis Efen

Saturday, 29th June

Pandr'ew mis da rag flourys? Ew mis Efen an gwelha? Gellys ew oll flourys wheg an gwenton. Radn anodhans ew denty. Lies bleujen lebmyn, en hav, ew creffa. Ma lies flour saw na wrüga vy gweles lies tycky-Duw hedhyw. My a glowas gwenen e'n wedhen ma, leun a flourys gwydn. Thera anjei ûhel e'n scorednow, etho na aljama aga gweles.  Anjei alja bos qwilkioresow  (gohy)! Gwell ew genam gwenen. Skejwedhen vrâs ew hei. Rag fra üjy hei obma, reb trolergh ow ledya dhe velyn goth, gen prasow glas a-derdro? Herwedh ûsadow nei a wel skejwedh avel keow lowarthow, trehys compes. My a welas flourys gwydn erel reb an vorrow (fordhow) - cala gwyly po kerenja, my a grej.  Thera meur anodhans. 


What is a good month for flowers? Is June the best. All sweet flowers of the spring are gone. Some of them are dainty. Many flowers now, in summer, are more robust. There are lots of flowers but I didn't see many butterflies today. I heard bees in this tree, full of white flowers. They were high in the branches, so I couldn't see them. They could be wasps! I prefer bees. It's a big privet bush. Why is it here, by a footpath leading to an old mill, with green meadows all around? Usually we see privet as garden hedges, neatly trimmed. I saw other white flowers by the roads - bedstraw or sweethearts, I believe. There were lots of them.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a-derdro all around

an gwelha the best < gwell better

bos gwell gen ... to prefer (be better with ...)

cala gwyly bedstraw (Galium)

creffa stronger, more robust < crev (SWFM kreffa < krev)

denty dainty, delicate

ledya to lead

prasow meadows < pras (m)

scorednow branches < scorren (f)

skejwedh (coll.) privet > skejwedhen (f)

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