Wednesday 19 June 2024

2024 Day 171

2024 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Üdnek

De Merher, nawnjegves mis Efen

Wednesday, 19th June

Pandr'ew ger vas rag Kernow hedhyw? Rag an trolergh ma thew an ger "overdevys"! Pur wheg ew sawarn an scawen. E'n gwelha pres nag ewa slotterüs ewedh. Saw, wòja nebes dedhyow heb glaw, bianhes dhe leyj ew an gover ma (po martesen thewa tagys moy ogas dhe'n pedngover). Ma gorlanwes a lasneth war emlow an vorrow (fordhow). Ma hei ow teclînya ha codha war an vorrow.

What's a good word for Cornwall today? For this footpath the word is "overgrown". The scent of the elder is very sweet. Fortunately, it's not muddy as well. But, after several days without rain, this stream is reduced to mud (or perhaps it is choked nearer to the headspring). There is a superabundance of vegetation on the road margins. It is sloping downwards and falling on the road.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

bianhes (or lehes) reduced, lessened

declînya to slope/lean downwards

emlow margins, edges, fringes < amal (mf)

e'n gwelha pres fortunately, luckily (SWFM y'n gwella prys)

glasneth (f) vegetation

gorlanwes (m) superabundance 

leyj (m) mud, slime

pedngover (m) headspring

slotterüs muddy, slimy (dialect slottery)

tagys choked, blocked

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