Sunday 9 June 2024

2024 Day 161

2024 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Wonan

De Sül, nawes mis Efen

Sunday, 9th June

Thew an âlsyow en Kernow pur hir. Ma lies clyger, ha ma sawanyow e'n clygrow, bes ma lies mildir a dreth, magata. Ma grow ha bily dhe radn an trethow, saw dhe lies anodhans ma tewes fîn, lies tewesen. Tewes ew whethys gen gwens, gòrrys en bern ew dhe wil tewenyow (leb ell bos anfast). Treth lenky ew anfast ewedh, whei alja bos lenkys. An carr anfüjik ma a gawas trobel war dreth. An tewes o medhal, saw nag o treth lenky, etho na veu an carr lenkys! 

The coasts in Cornwall are very long. There are many cliffs, and there are clefts in the cliffs, but there are many miles of beach, as well. Some of the beaches have gravelly sand and pebbles, but many of them have fine sand, many grains of sand. Sand is blown by wind, it is piled up to make dunes (that can be unstable). Quicksand is unstable too, you could be swallowed. This unlucky car had trouble on a beach. The sand was soft, but it was not quicksand, so the car was not swallowed!

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

âlsyow coasts, cliffs < âls (m)

anfast unstable

bily (col.) pebbles > bilien (f)

clygrow cliffs < clyger (m)  (SWFM kleger)

grow (col.) gravelly sand

sawanyow ~ sawnow zawns, clefts in cliffs < sawan ~ sawn (f)

tewenyow sand dunes < tewyn (m) cf. towan

tewes (col.) sand > tewesen (f) grain of sand

treth lenky (m) quicksand < lenky to swallow 

trethow beaches < treth (m) 

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