Wednesday 1 May 2024

2024 Day 122

2024 Dedh Cans Dew warn Ügens

De Merher, kensa mi Me

Wednesday, 1st May

Cala Me lowen dhe onan hag oll. Ma Cala Me ha Cala Hav dhe hanter an vorr tredh  kehesnos gwenton en mis Meurth ha howlsavla hav (Golôwan) en mis Efan. Ma'n gewer ow tallath treylya nebes tòbmaMa'n dor ow tisewydhy wostiwedh ha tractor ell drîvya war wel rag aras heb sedha. Jorna spladn ew rag gullys ha briny. Mons ow sewya an arder ha whilas prevyon. Nag ew da rag awhesydhes - aga neythow a vedh disesys. Na veu dedh da rag an bargas marow ma - ledhys gen tredan martesen.

Happy May Day to one and all. The first day of May and the first day of Summer is midway between the spring equinox in March and the summer solstice (Midsummer) in June. The weather is beginning to become a bit warmer. The ground is drying out eventually and a tractor can drive on a field for ploughing without sinking. It's a splendid day for gulls and rooks. They follow the plough and look for invertebrates. It is not good for skylarks - their nests will be disturbed. It was not a good day for this dead buzzard - killed by electricity, perhaps.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

awhesydh (f) skylark > pl. awhesydhes

Cala first day of the month cf. Latin calends

dallath to begin to (d>t)

dhe hanter an vorr midway

disewydhy to dry up, dry out (d>t)

howlsavla (f) solstice

kehesnos (f) equinox

tòbma warmer

tredh ~ ter between

treylya to turn, become

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