Wednesday, 8 September 2021

2021 Day 251

2021 Dedh Dew Cans Üdnek ha Dewgens

De Merher, ethves mis Gwedngala

Wednesday, 8th September

Scon e vedh cres ha coseleth et agan chei - saw na whath! Hedhyw, ma tervans, en gis maw bian. Ev a venthygyas ow hamera rag kemeres foto a y vabm! Res ew dh'y vabm mos dhe cita nowydh. Ma lies gwaryel obma. Anjei a vedn kemeres radn anodhans ganjans. Ma cofer toulys, neyth mòna, yar ha lies bryck. Certan re erel ew destnys rag shoppa alüsenek. Ma tryja kisten rag scòllyon.

Soon there will be peace and quiet in our house - but not yet! Today, there is turmoil, in the guise of a small boy. He borrowed my camera to take a photo of his mother. His mother must go to a new city. There are lots of toys here. They will take some of them with them. There's a toolbox, a cash till, a chicken and lots of bricks. Certain others are destined for a charity shop. There is a third box for junk!

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

benthygya to borrow

cofer toulys (m) toolbox

coseleth (f) quietness, calm

destnys destined

gis (m) guise, manner, style

neyth mòna (m) cash till

scòllyon (collective plural) junk, rubbish, etc.

shoppa alüsenek (m) charity shop

tervans (m) turmoil

yar (f) chicken


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