2021 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar warn ÜgensDe Yow, dewdhegves
mis Est
Thursday,12th August
ma flourys teg en lowarthow. Flourys an whynas kebmyn ell bos teg ewedh. An
hirgorn gwydn ma ew war wegas ke. Flehes a lavar "Tas wydn, tas wydn,
tardh mes a wily!" Nena anjei a wrydn an gòles glas ha'n flour a dardh
mes. Còsel o an mettin ha my ow mos e'n vorr. My a welas diw heckamola. Era
anjei ow whilas greun po preves po has dadn an reden ow cregy? Nag ew an edhen golvan to; martesen thewa
golvan ge. E veu caletter dhebm ow medra
ta ow hamera. Moy es ew kemeres fôtôs a edhyn brâs (terweythyow)!
There are
still lovely flowers in gardens. Flowers of the common weeds can be pretty,
too. This white trumpet is on hedge bindweed. Children say "Grandfather,
grandfather, pop out of bed!" Then they squeeze the green base and the
flower pops out. The morning was quiet as I was going along the road. I saw two
dickybirds. Were they looking for grit or insects or seeds under the hanging bracken? The bird isn't a house sparrow; perhaps it's a hedge sparrow. I had
difficulty focussing my camera. It's easier taking photos of big birds (sometimes)!
Deg ger
rag hedhyw Ten words for today
gòles (m) base,
golvan (m) sparrow
greun (collective) gravel,
grit > greunen (f) grain of gravel
gwegas ke
(plural) hedge
gwrydnya to
squeeze, wring > a wrydn (simple
(f) dickybird
hirgorn (m) trumpet,
long horn
madra ~
medra ta to focus, aim
tardh! (imperative) burst,
explode, pop < (verb) tardha
whynas (plural) weeds
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