2021 Dedh
Cans Pajar Ügens ha Pemp
De Sul, pajwora mis Gorefen
Sunday, 4th
a droos et ow lowarth? Toll brâs a dhisqwedhas e'n dor dres nos. Ma bern a
weres war an stappys. Piw a wrüg an badd-ober? Nag era va ena de. Piw po peth
a'n gwrüg? Thera oll an flehes et aga gwilyow. Na ell palas an gath nag eus bes
teyr garr dhedhy. Martesen lowarn po dorgy a balas an dor e'n lowarth. Ma treys
brâs hag ewines crev dhe dhorgeun. Rag fra üjy an toll ena? Eus neppeth etto
lebmyn? My a viras gen rach (ma son ow tos dhort an toll). Otta nebes gwenen
gwels brith en sowthan. A veu hebma neyth? A wrüg an best debry aga freves anfüjik?
happening in my garden? A big hole appeared in the ground overnight. There is a
pile of soil on the steps. Who committed the crime? It was not there yesterday.
Who or what made it? All the children were in their beds. The cat who has only
three legs cannot dig. Perhaps a fox or badger dug the ground in the garden.
Badgers have big feet and strong claws. Why is the hole there? Is there
something in it now? I looked carefully (there's a sound coming from the hole).
Behold several striped wild bees in confusion. Was this a nest? Did the animal
eat their unfortunate larvae?
Deg ger
rag hedhyw Ten words for today
(m) crime,
bad deed
appear, show
dorgeun badgers
< dorgy (m)
dres nos overnight
sowthan in confusion, confused
ewines claws,
nails < ewin (m)
gen rach carefully
lowarn (m) fox
lowarth (m) garden
palas to dig
a droos? what's happening?
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