2021 Dedh
Cans Trei Ügens ha Terdhek
De Meurth, nessa warn ügens mis Efen
Tuesday, 22nd
Gellys ew an berra nos, ha lebmyn ma'n nosow ow treylya hirra arta. A wrüga whei gweles howldrevel an howlsavla (po howlsedhes an howlsavla)? E'n vledhen ma tho an ebòrn comolek, bes en bledhednyow tremenys (gen ebòrn efan) possybyl o dhe weles an howldrevel dres an meyn en Stonehenge. Martesen, en neb telher en Kernow, e veu fogow po kiforr era ow cachya howl an howlsav. Gwenton ew tremenys - henn ew sòdhogel! Hav ew devedhys. Tremenys ew An Gevellyon Zodiak ha devedhys ew An Crang magata. Bloodh gevellyon agan teylû ew pajar. Trûedh dra ew nag ew an cleves pandemyk tremenys et tien.
shortest night has gone, and now the nights are lengthening again. Did you see
the solstice sunrise (or solstice sunset)? This year the sky was cloudy, but in
past years (with a clear sky) it was possible to see the sunrise through the
stones in Stonehenge. Perhaps, somewhere in Cornwall, there was a prehistoric cavern
or tunnel that caught the solstice sun. Spring is past - that's official!
Summer has arrived. Zodiac Gemini has gone and Cancer has come as well. Our family twins are four years old. It's a sad
thing that the pandemic has not gone completely.
Deg ger
rag hedhyw Ten words for today
an berra the
shortest (superlative,
can go before or after noun)
a gothenep
ancient times
efan clear,
wide open
fogow (f) cavern,
hirra longer (comparative)
(m) sunrise
~ howlsav (m) solstice
(m) sunset
kiforr ~
kivorr (m) tunnel
sòdhogel official
dra (m) sad
thing, calamity
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