2021 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Naw De Gwener, ethdegves
mis Efen
Friday, 18th
Kernow awenüs. Rag radn an boblans, ma'n bobel aga honan, an tir, an story, bôwnans
an bobel ha gôdhvownans ow provia an awen. Rag radn aral thew sport po gwelow.
Ellowgh whei dendyl gas bôwnas gen awen? My a recevas lever de. Awenys o an âwthores dhe scrifa novel storek,
saw fantasy ew, story na wrüg besca wharvos - Pow an Sowson ha Kernow (gen
Kernôwegoryon), an Emperes Josephine ow rowlya war anjei. Nag eus termyn lowr
dhebm dhe scrifa - res ew dhebm redya! Ha ma teylû ewedh. Thera whans dhe'n maw
bian a vires orth an edhyn gen dewweder, saw na wrüg ev gweles bes llama.
is inspirational. For some of the population, it is the people themselves, the
history, the life of the people and wildlife that provide the inspiration. For
some others it is sport or scenery. Can you earn your living with inspiration?
I received a book yesterday. The authoress was inspired to write a historical
novel, but it is fantasy, a history that never happened - England and Cornwall
(with Cornish speakers) ruled by the Empress Josephine. I haven't enough time
to write - I have to read! And there is family too. The little boy wanted to
look at the birds with binoculars, but he only saw a llama.
Deg ger
rag hedhyw Ten words for today
awenüs inspirational
< awen (m) inspiration
âwthores (f) authoress
gas bôwnas to earn your living
dewweder (dual
plural) binoculars
emperes (f) empress
(m) wildlife
gwelow scenery,
scenes, views
poblans (m) population
provia to
war to rule over
storek historical
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