Nanj ew
lies bledhen, en termynyow pell tremenys, thera gool bügelek e'n stat a Rôm (ha
kens hedna en Gres Ancyent). Pagans o anjei, ken treylya Cristòdnyon. Anjei a
wrüg gòlya "Lupercalia" - henwys o an oferyjy "breder a'n
bleydh". Ha Rôm a veu fondys gen
Romulus ha Remus, denys gen bleydhes. Otta bleydh brons dhort Rôm. An degol a
res fesya tebel spryjyon mes an cita rag pürheans. Bohow ha kei o ledhys ha'n
oferyjy gojek a bònyas adro dhe'n cita en noth, en üdn gweskel benenes gen bondys
a grohen vestes - dhe owna anvabeth ha cressya arvester. Nena an gooj a veu
glanhys gen gwlân gleb gen leth. Gooj rüdh ha leth gwydn - rüdh ha gwydn ew an
liwyow nei a wel Gool Valentine hedhyw! Na alja an Cristòdnyon fesya mes an
ûsadow coth, etho anjei a ros sans mertheryes dhe'n jedh (en 494). Ha Valentine (e alja bos moy es onan) o
treylyes sans tasek caroryon ha caroresow. Ha'n shoppys a wertha lies carten ow
tisqwedhes colonow ha ros rüdh.
Many years ago, in times long passed, there was a pastoral festival in the State of Rome (and before that in Ancient Greece). They were pagans, before becoming Christians. They celebrated "Lupercalia" - the priests were called "the brothers of the wolf". And Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus, suckled by a she-wolf. Here's a bronze wolf from Rome. The festival had to drive evil spirits from the city for purification. Male goats and a dog were killed and the bloody priests ran naked round the city, striking women with strips of the animal skin - to cure barrenness and increase fertility. Then the blood was wiped away with wool wet with milk. Red blood and white milk - red and white are the colours we see on Valentine's Day today! The Christians couldn't drive out the old customs, so they gave the day a martyred saint (in 494). And Valentine (there could be more than one) became the patron saint of lovers. And the shops sell lots of cards showing red hearts and roses!
Deg ger
rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
anvabeth (f) barrenness,
arvester (m) fertility
bleydhes (f) she-wolf
bügelek pastoral,
bucolic, associated with herding
< Cristyon (m)
denys suckled
fesya mes
to drive
out, drive off
gojek ~
gosek bloody < gooj ~ goos blood
gòlya to celebrate
oferyjy priests,
celebrants < oferyas (m)
tebel spryjyon
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