2020 Dedh Trei Hans Etek ha Dogens
De Merher, tryja warn ügens mis Kevardhû
Wednesday, 23rd December
Na aljama mos mes hedhyw. Glaw, glaw ha glaw moy! Na aljama kemeres fotos nowydh veth. Res ew dhebm ûsya pictours coth po an re na dhort maynys sôcyal. Da via genam gweles An Geveren Veur, saw thew an ebòrn pur gomolek. Ma planet Jubiter (Yow) ow tremena planet Sadorn. Ma mir dhodhans a üdn steren vrâs en üdnek - bes na ellama aga gweles. Martesen an ebòrn a wra clerya avorow. En men termyn, üdn mettin, thera Neil Richardson a y sav war Bons Terras dreus Dowr Logh ha kemeres foto a üdn hûjes steren - agan Howl. Hedhyw ew Gool Tom Bawcock. Golys ew hebma en Porth Enys. Debrys ew "Crampes Stargazy" ha curl ew kenys (saw, martesen, na en vledhen ma). Piw o Tom Bawcock ha rag fra era nei y berthy cov? E'n whetegves cansbledhen thera gwav garow ha thera nown brâs dhe'n bobel Porth Enys. Tom a strivyas warbydn an hager awel dew dhedh ken Nadelik rag peskecha. Ev a dheuth tre gen seyth sort puskes dhe vaga an dreveglos. Pub bledhen (marnas an vledhen ma) ma dhodhans gòlowow Nadelik teg. Leverys ew an whedhel en lies maner.
I couldn't go out today. Rain, rain and more rain!
I couldn't take any new photos. I must use old pictures or those from social
media. I'd like to see The Great Conjunction, but the sky is very cloudy. The
planet Jupiter is passing the planet Saturn. They look like only a single large
star - but I cannot see them. Perhaps the sky will clear tomorrow. Meanwhile,
one morning, Neil Richardson was standing on Terras Bridge over the River Looe
and took a photo of a huge single star - our Sun. Today is Tom Bawcock's Eve.
This is celebrated in Mousehole. "Stargazy pie" is eaten and a carol
is sung (though, perhaps, not this year). Who was Tom Bawcock and why do we
remember him? In the 16th century there was a harsh winter and people of
Mousehole were starving. Tom braved the storm two days before Christmas to go
fishing. He came back with seven sorts of fish to feed the village. Every year
(except this year) they have beautiful Christmas lights. The story is told in many ways.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
garow harsh
golys celebrated
kenys sung < (verb) càna sing
keveren (f) conjunction
Logh (PN) Looe (Inlet)
maynys sôcyal
(plural) social media
nown brâs (m) starvation, famine, great
peskecha to fish, go fishing
Enys (PN) Mousehole (Island Cove)
strivya warbedn to brave, strive against
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