2020 Dedh
Dew Cans Trei Ügens hag Eth
De Yow, pajwora warn ügens mis Gwedngala
Nag eus termyn luck dhebm dhe redya ow lever spladn nowydh, na whath. Et y le, my a veu dasredya nebes blogs. Rag fra endelha? Ma
blog nòmber mil ow tos nes. Pandra wrüga vy scrifa en termyn tremenys? Dew cans
a veu en mis Gorefen 2018. My a wrüg gwaya mebel chombour, saw na veu pictour veth
na rester eryow naneyl. Pajar cans a veu en mis Whevrel 2019 ha my a scrifas adro
dhe Woon Bren. Po moy lel, my a
dhescrifas dew lever settys war an (w)oon na. E veu fotos an levrow saw na veu
gerva. Whegh cans a veu en mis Est 2019. My geth dhe’n treth gen esely yonk ow
theylû - gen fotos moy bes heb rester eryow. Eth cans en mis Meurth an vledhen
ma, a wrüg tochya flourys hag edhyn et ow lowarth – fotos arta ha, war an
diwedh, “Deg ger rag hedhyw”. Pandr’a vedh nessa?
I haven’t enough time to read my splendid new book, not yet. Instead, I have been re-reading several blogs. Why so? Blog number a thousand is approaching. What did I write in time gone by? Two hundred was in July 2018. I moved bedroom furniture, but there was neither picture nor word list. Four hundred was in February 2019 and I wrote about Bodmin Moor. Or more precisely, I described two books set on that moor. There were photos of the books but no vocabulary. Six hundred was in August 2019. I went to the beach with young members of my family – with more photos but without a word list. Eight hundred, in March this year, was about flowers and birds in my garden – photos again and, at last, “Ten words for today”. What will be next?
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
chombour (m) bedroom
dasredya to re-read
dos nes to approach, come near
esely (plural) members > (singular) esel
(m) eseles (f)
et y le instead, in its place
gerva (f) vocabulary
goon (f) downland, upland moor, unenclosed pasture
lel accurate, accurately, faithful, etc.
mebel (collective) furniture
rester (f) list, roster
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