2020 Dedh
Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Pajar
De Sül, ügensves mis Gwedngala
“Ma edrek genam a Henvabm, bes na ellama dos
hedhyw. Ma drog torr dhe’m cowethes ha na ell hei drivya.” Tho vy tòllys, pur
dhiogel. Da via genam gweles ow mergh wydn ha hy meppik wheg. Heb omweloryon, sqwithys
oma. Etho, gero nei gwandra e’n gwelyow! “Na vedn nei dos warbedn jynn brâs e’n
vôwnder.” Bes na veu caletter veth. Nei alja gweles cala war an dor – codhys dhort
neb kert po draylyer. Ha e’n gwelyow, gellys ew oll an pusornow brâs. Nei alja
kerdhes penagel vorr o da genen. Nei a viras orth an mor, an mòngleudh ha’n
bal. Scon, martesen, an arrish a vedh erys. E’n kettermyn, ma mor dû.
“I’m sorry Granny, but I can’t come today. My friend has a stomach ache and she can’t drive.” I am disappointed, most certainly. I would like to see my granddaughter and her sweet little boy. Without visitors, I’m bored. Let’s go for a wander in the fields. “We don’t want to encounter a big machine in the lane.” But there was no problem at all. We could see straw on the ground – fallen from some cart or trailer. And in the fields, all the big bales were gone. We could walk whichever way we liked. We looked at the sea, the quarry and the mine. Soon, perhaps, the stubble field will be ploughed. In the meantime, there are blackberries.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words
for today
arrish (m) stubble field
dos warbedn to encounter, come across
draylyer (m) trailer
drog torr (m) stomach ache
erys ~ arys ploughed
gwandra a les ramble about, go for a wander
ma edrek genam I am
sorry, I regret
meppik (m) little boy < mab +
diminutive ending
pur dhiogel most certainly, of course
sqwithys bored, fed-up
tòllys disappointed
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