2020 Dedh
Dew Cans Dew warn Ügens
Sunday, 9th August
Ma liwyow an keow ow treylya. Ma whath nebes flourys, bes lebmyn ma môy ha môy frûtys ha has. Ma montbretia, gelwys "whennen a Gernow" gen radn an bobel, ow rei splattys a rüdhvelyn spladn. Gellys ew flourys scaw, rag hedna re dhiwedhes ew dhe wil dewis rag an golon. Ma’n mor bian ow mos dhort glas dhe dhû, etho scon whei ell gwil gwin mor scaw, mars eus whans dhewgh. My a wrüg cuntel mor dû de. Pur dha ens gen avalow. My a worras radn anodhans e’n stiver – ma ostyjy dhebm nessa seythen. Ma lies môy ow tos rag – my a wra cuntel nebes seythednow. Scorednow spern dû ew posys dhe’n dor gen bushys a eyrin. Res ew dhebm perna bottel a wires merew dhe wil gwires merew eyrin. Na wrewgh debry mor rüdh en keow – andebradow ens. En gwir etta, thens gwenonek – pur deg saw marwel. Rüdh ew liw antel – gwedhros ha scavyligyon.
Colours of the hedges are
turning. There are still some flowers, but now there are more and more fruits
and seeds. Montbretia, called the "Cornish weed" by some people,
gives splashes of bright orange. Elderflowers have gone, so it is too late to
make cordial. The little berries are going from green to black, so soon you can
make elderberry wine, if you want. I gathered blackberries yesterday. They are
very good with apples. I put some of them in the freezer – I have guests next
week. There are lots more coming on – I shall be picking for several weeks.
Blackthorn branches are weighed down with clusters of sloes. I must buy a
bottle of gin to make sloe gin! Don’t eat red berries in hedges - they are inedible.
In fact, they are poisonous – very pretty but deadly. Red is the colour of
danger – honeysuckle and lords and ladies.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
andebradow inedible
antel (m) danger
bushys bunches, clusters
dewis rag an golon (m) cordial
eyrin sloes
gwires merew (m) gin (juniper spirits)
marwel deadly
posys dhe'n dor weighed down
scavyligyon (m) wild arum, lords and ladies
scaw elder
stiver (m) freezer
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