De Sül, dewdhegves mis Ebrel
Sunday, 12th April
Pask lowen dhe whei oll. An Pask ma nag ew pecar'a Bask veth besca ew gweles genam. An vledhen eus tremenys my a scrifas ow tòchya oyow Pask e'n lowarth ha flehes wydn orth aga whilas. E'n vledhen ma na ell nagonan dos dh'agan lowarth. Et y le my a viras orth "Urbi et Orbi" gen an Pab war an tele. Na veu va war y orrel. Na, thera an Tassans a-bera dhe'n Vatican, en eglos ew pur vrâs, pur deg ha gwag lowr. En lies bledhen eus passyes lies person, milyow, a wrüg gosôwes orto en Platt Peder. Hedhyw gwag o. My a welas ewedh messach Arhesbak Canterbury. Ev a veu et y gegin en Plas Lambeth. Ass ewa den wheg!

Happy Easter to you all. This Easter is not like any Easter I have ever seen before. Last year I wrote about Easter eggs in the garden and grandchildren looking for them. This year nobody can come to our garden. Instead I watched "Urbi et Orbi" by the Pope on the TV. He was not on his balcony. No, the Holy Father was inside the Vatican, in a church that is very big, very beautiful and quite empty. In many past years many people, thousands, listened to him in St Peter's Square. Today it was empty. I also saw the Archbishop of Canterbury's message. He was in his kitchen. What a nice man he is!
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
arhesbak (m) archbishop
besca never (you can also use bescath or besketh)(past)
gosôwes ort to listen to (SWFM goslowes)
messach (m) message
mires orth to watch, look at
orrel (m) balcony
oyow Pask Easter eggs
pab (m) pope
plas (m) palace (you can use palys but this also means fish cellar)
tassans (m) pope, holy father
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