De Gwener, ügensves mis Meurh
Friday, 20th March
Kehesnos lowen dhe whei! Ew hebma an kensa dedh gwenton? Ma gwens yeyn òbma. Üjy an gwav ow tos arta? Nei a dal gwitha en yehes da. Gwrewgh debry lies losowen gegin. Aljama gonis losow kegin ow honan? Ma kevys genam nebes has - favow, pes, corrbes hag alfalfa. My ell gonis skyll fav en jorrigow gweder. Da via genam gonis flourys ewedh. My a drohas temigow a blansow e'n lowarth ha's gorra en liggen. A vedn anjei tevy? Na ora vy.
Happy Equinox to you! Is this the first spring day? There's a cold wind here. Is the winter returning? We should keep in good health. Eat lots of vegetables. Could I grow vegetables myself? I have found some seeds - beans, peas, lentils and alfalfa. I can grow bean sprouts in glass jars. I'd like to grow flowers as well. I cut little bits off plants in the garden and put them in compost. Will they grow? I don't know.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
corrbes (plural) lentils > singular corrbesen (f) literally dwarf pea
en yehes da healthy, in good health (silent y)
gonis to grow, cultivate, sow
gorra to put
gweder (m) glass (material not object)
jorrigow (plural) little jars > singular jorrik (m)
liggen (f) compost (from dialect)
losowen gegin (f) vegetable > plural losow kegin
skyll fav (collective) bean sprouts
temigow (plural) little bits > singular temmik (m) < tabm bit
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