De Meurh, degves mis Meurh
Tuesday, 10th March
Ma esperans dhebm! Leun a esperans o vy. Nag o vy benyn heb govenek. Thew an chôkys gen govenek ewedh. Mowns ow whithra chymbla an chei - dhe wül neyth etto. Saw nag ew hedna telher segh. Ma gwenton ow tos. My a welas skyll flourys gwydn en perbren. Môy avonssys ew gwedh peren avel gwedh avalow. Nag eus buddys war an wedhen avalow. Ma brially e'n gwel saw nag eus bleujyow an gog whath; re a-varr ew rag anjei. E veu omwelores dhebm arta. Nei a wrüg gwary gen geryow; lies ger ha whedhlow.
I have hope! I am an optimist. I am not a pessimist. The jackdaws are optimistic as well. They are investigating the house chimney - to make a nest in it. But that is not a dry place. Spring is coming. I saw white flower buds in a pear tree. Pear trees are more advanced than apple trees. There are not buds on the apple tree. There are primroses in the field but there aren't any bluebells yet: it's too early for them. I had a visitor again. We played with words; lots of words and stories.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
chôkys jackdaws
chymbla chimney
esperans hope
govenek hope
heb govenek pessimistic, without hope
leun a esperans optimistic, full of hope
neyth nest
segh dry
skyll buds collective plural
whithra to investigate, research
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