Saturday, 18 June 2016

Marhasna Exercise 3 (vocabulary odd one out)

Can you find the odd one out in each of these groups? (Everything is in alphabetical order.)
1.      chei gwary, chei kiger, chei pobas, gorvarhas, lety
2.      debry, eva, marhasna, mona, perna
3.      cowlys, criv, crow, er, fresk
4.      bara, dehen, dillas, know, manin
5.      betys, caretys, megys, tokis, tomatys
6.      canna, copart, fardel, kisten, sten
7.      goyeynhys, gwithys, pedrys, salys, sehys
8.      canna, canspoos, gram, ouns, peuns
9.      bernas, cawas, debry, eva, moas
10.    bara, coth, drog, gwag, marow

If you need a bit of help, these are the meanings of the odd ones out:

addled, bought, bread, can, clothes, cupboard, curdled, money, smoked, theatre

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